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Agape Insurance Services, Santa Fe, NM

Learning the ABCDs of Medicare.

Retiring can be intimidating, and so can navigating Medicare. Agape has a long track record of helping seniors understand its complexities.


"When it comes to Medicare, Michelle knows her stuff. She was invaluable in helping me understand how it all worked."

Medicare and Supplemental Insurance Services


Since its inception in 1966, Medicare has become a complicated process and today it's important to have someone you trust help you understand it all. Michelle and Damon are just those people. They will guide you through Medicare's complicated processes, and they never accept payment for their services.


At Agape Insurance Services, we understand the many parts of Original Medicare and can assist in selecting a private plan to best suit your needs. And when the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) rolls around, we can also help you sort through the changes in prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans. Our process is simple, Michelle and Damon will meet with you at least three times, once to present the basics in a “Medicare 101” presentation, then again to review the different plans available and assess your needs, and finally a meeting to prepare any type of applications. Family members are always welcome.


For most individuals the Initial Enrollment Period is a total of seven months; three months prior to your 65-birthday month, your birthday month and three months after your birthday month.

If you have group coverage through your employer or spouse’s employer, you do not necessarily have to enroll in Medicare Part B. To be certain it is important to speak to your Human Resources Department about your current benefits. If your unsure and just want to speak to someone, give us a call. We would be more than happy to answer your questions.


It is often a challenge to balance work and personal life, we at Agape Insurance acknowledge this and organize our hours in such a way that benefits you and us. The hours listed are a guideline, we will accommodate you based on your need.




Next Steps


First: Sign up for Original Medicare through the Social Security Administration.

Next: Take account of your annual medical costs for prescriptions and continuing care, and have that information ready so Michelle and Damon can compare it to available plans.


Finally: Agape Insurance Services will present available plans, options and strategies for selecting appropriate supplemental coverage.




So whether you're coming into Medicare for your initial enrollment period, or just wanting to make sure you're keeping up with the annual changes, let Michelle and Damon at Agape Insurance Services help you understand your choices and benefits.




Medicare Insurance Offerings


Medicare Advantage Plans

Supplemental Plans

Medicare Part D Drug Plans

Agape Insurance Services, Santa Fe, NM

Important Medicare Dates


October 15th - December 7th:

is your chance to make changes to your Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement or Prescription Drug Plan.*


January 1st - March 31:

for those already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan and wish to change.**


How to Change Medicare Plans


Once you’re enrolled in Medicare, you’ll have various opportunities to change certain aspects of your coverage. Here’s an overview:


*During the annual open enrollment period (October 15 – December 7), you can make a variety of changes, none of which involve medical underwriting. (Prior to 2021, people with end-stage renal disease were not able to switch to Medicare Advantage during the open enrollment period, but that’s no longer the case as of 2021.):


- Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare or vice versa.

- Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.

- Switch from one Part D prescription plan to another. It’s highly recommended that all beneficiaries use Medicare’s plan finder tool each year to compare the available Part D plans, as opposed to simply letting an existing drug plan auto-renew.

- Join a Medicare Part D plan. (Late-enrollment penalty might apply.)

- Drop your Part D coverage altogether. (Re-enrolling in a later year will include a late-enrollment penalty if you’re not maintaining other creditable drug coverage.)



**During the Medicare Advantage open enrollment period (January 1 – March 31), Americans who are already enrolled in Medicare Advantage can:


- Switch to Original Medicare (and enroll in a Part D plan; access to Medigap might require medical underwriting, depending on the circumstances.)

- Switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan.

- Only one plan change is allowed during this window (unlike the fall enrollment period, when a person can change their mind multiple times).



During the five-star enrollment period (December 8 – November 30), people who live in an area with a five-star Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plan can switch to that plan if they choose to do so.



During the first year a person is enrolled in Medicare Advantage, they can switch to (or back to) Original Medicare and a Part D plan. And with some exceptions, they also have guaranteed-issue access to a Medigap plan.



Any time during the year, a person enrolled in Original Medicare can apply for a different Medigap plan. But if it’s not during the person’s one-time Medigap enrollment window, the insurer will likely use medical underwriting to determine whether to issue the policy and at what price.

Agape Insurance Services, Santa Fe NM



Agape Insurance Services handles individual needs such as health plans, life insurance, long term care needs, and the transition to Medicare. We also have trusted partners to assist and bring resources to bare for small to medium-sized businesses, and consider ourselves someone you and your employees can trust in regards to employee benefits.

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1301 St. Francis Dr., Suite D

Santa Fe, NM 87505

o: 505.930.5638




By appointment only.



Small Group Health

Group Dental

Group Vision

Group Life




Hospital Indemnity


Medicare Advantage Plans

Supplemental Plans

Medicare Part D Drug Plans

Holiday Hours: We are closed during these times of the year:

Wednesday before and the Friday after Thanksgiving 

December 15th - January 4th of every year 

Medicare Disclaimer: 

We do not offer every plan available in your area. We represent a number of MA organizations, which offer products in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

© Agape Insurance Service. All rights reserved.

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